Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Long Road Home by Andrew Klavan

Where to start with this book! Great story to get younger guys reading, I will be passing it off to my little (or not so little since they are now taller than me) brothers. Great story line, plenty of tension to keep you wanting to read. This is the second book in the Homelander series, so you may want to read the first one before you read this book.

Getting Started!

So I read a lot, as you may have guessed since I am starting a book review blog. I read out of most genre's, but not all. Definitely not a horror fan! Some reviews will be short, but some will be very in depth. I used to hold myself to finishing every book I started, but not anymore. Too many good books out there to spend the time reading one that isn't!

The first review will be on a book I've had for awhile, but haven't had a chance to send much time with because of crazy things going on in my life. Hopefully these reviews are helpful and will give you something to check out!
